Sunday, February 24, 2008

How to grow good tomatoes

Tomatoes are actually fruits although they are commonly grown in vegetable gardens. They are a close cousin of chili peppers and are relatively easy to grow. With a little determination, anyone can enjoy fresh, home grown organic tomatoes from their own garden. Tomatoes are powerful antioxidants, a good source of vitamin C and can ward off prostate cancer. Who can resist it's juicy goodness?

Tomatoes need acidic soil to grow, with a PH between 5.0 to 6.0. They thrive in warm weather, so they are ideal for growing in tropical regions. If you do grow them in temperate places, make sure you only start after the frost is gone.

Find a spot in your garden with the above mentioned soil. Do not plant the tomatoes too close to each other. Place the seeds deep into the soil and make sure they are well covered up. The area must receive a good amount of sunlight if you want good tomatoes. Note that the same plot of land should not be used for growing tomatoes every season, instead, rotate different crops. Top the soil with around 3 inches of compost.

Water your plant 2 to 3 times weekly, but water the soil with the roots, not the leaves.

When it begins to flower, shake the plant so that the pollen will distribute evenly.

Enjoy fresh tomatoes! You may also want to check out this recipe for tomato soup!

1 comment:

Nadya Dwi said...

What kind of soil pH do tomatoes require for optimal growth? Greeting : Telkom University